Sunday, June 16, 2024
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    Dr. Mohamed Shafi Shihabdeen

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  • හිජාස් ගෙදර යයි

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Israel first country to call for war crimes probe against SL - NSC


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* Calls for termination of diplomatic ties with Israel for training and arming LTTE
* Welcomes USD 1 million government donation to Palestine


The National Shoora Council (NSC), while welcoming the governments donation of USD 1 million to the ‘Palestinian victims of the long brutal war imposed by Israel on Palestine’ has urged Sri Lanka to terminate diplomatic ties with Israel.

The Secretary of the NSC, Ismail A Azeez says that the NSC which is a consultative forum of national level Muslim organisations, professionals, academics and activists at its General Assembly Meeting held recently resolved unanimously to convey its appreciation to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the government for donating USD 1 million to the Palestinian victims of the long brutal war by Israel on Palestine.

The NSC, in a media statement, urges the government to terminate diplomatic ties with Israel forthwith in protest against the massacre of Palestinian civilians, including 402 children, 249 women and 74 elders and counting and not to resume ties until Palestine is recognised as a full member of the international community of nations.

"The NSC condemns the failure of the United Nations, to restore full statehood to Palestine over the past 67 years, since the creation virtually overnight by the UN of the exclusive Jewish state of Israel, without any mandate from the then multi-religious state of Palestine which comprised Muslims, Christians and Jews all of whom had hitherto lived peacefully together.

"The NSC furthermore condemns the threat issued by the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) on the Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamaath (SLTJ) for organising a protest rally against the latest Israeli brutalities and for attempting without success, to physically disrupt and possibly cause mayhem to the peaceful rally held on August 13th.

"The NSC has noted that the BBS had at its press conference held on August 12th recalled Israeli support for Sri Lanka’s war efforts, ignoring that Israel supplied the LTTE as well with weapons and ammunition, as exposed by former Israeli Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his New York Times best seller book, ‘By Way of Deception’. The BBS has forgotten that it was the Israeli training and supplies to the LTTE which led to the killing of 31 Buddhist monks in Arantalawa on June 2, 1987 and condemns the BBS for its shocking glorification of Israel and its controversial links to the pro- LTTE groups in Norway.

"The NSC recalls that on the last day of Sri Lanka’s war against the LTTE, namely May 18, 2009 Israel became the first nation to call for an international war crimes probe on Sri Lanka and its armed forces, at the meeting of the World Health Organisation (WHO) where Israel in making an unsuccessful move opposing the election of Sri Lanka’s then Health Minister Nimal Sripala de Silva as Chairman of the Executive Committee of WHO called for a joint UN-WHO panel to investigate Sri Lanka.

"The NSC furthermore recalls that at the UN Human Right’s Council’s special session on Sri Lanka held on May 26 and 27, 2009 within a week of the end of the war, Israel though not a member of the then HRC, obtained a special time slot and once again lambasted Sri Lanka in the international forum, in support of the European Union sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka urging an international probe on war crimes allegedly committed by our armed forces during the final phase of the war and condemns the BBS for its shameless support of Israel thereby betraying the country’s armed forces.

"The NSC while recalling the BBS silence when the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) held an anti –Israeli demonstration in Colombo on August 8, reiterates that the BBS is an anti-national body aimed at destroying Sinhala- Muslim amity in the country seeking thereby to destabilize Sri Lanka as a proxy for external elements, ignoring the economic and other interests of Sri Lanka which earns more than 50 percent of its foreign exchange earnings for the county from Middle East Muslim countries and attempting to damage the support for Sri Lanka from the Muslim countries at the UN HRC.

"The NSC appeals to the most respected Maha Nayaka Theroes of the Malwatte Chapter, Asgiriya Chapter and Siyam Nikaya to educate the BBS and other similar groups to desist from engaging in anti-national and anti religious activities and to join hands with all religious leaders to campaign against crimes such as the escalating numbers of murders, rapes, robberies, violence etc. and against the proliferation of gambling, taverns, liquor bars, casinos, brothels the island.

"The NSC resolves to forward this Resolution to the President of Sri Lanka, Secretary General of the United Nations, the most respected Maha Nayake Theroes, respected Buddhist monks and Temples, leaders of Hindu, Christian and Catholic communities."

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