Sunday, June 16, 2024
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    Dr. Mohamed Shafi Shihabdeen

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Pharaoh vs. Moses in the Land of Egypt

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Egypt Scenario


Egypt is no ordinary place. It is the land where tyranny runs deep and Pharaohs claim to be God.

And yet, paradoxically, Egypt also is the place from where the clarion cry of freedom rang out when Moses (May God Bless Him!) demanded from Pharaoh: Let My People Go!

Or, as the Qur’ān put it: Arsil ma’iya banee Israa-eel.

After thousands of years, that same timeless drama of Right vs. Wrong is being played out again. And this time, it is between a modern-day Moses in the person of Ikhwan’s candidate for President, Dr. Muhammad Morsi, and the forces of tyranny and corruption embodied in the Military regime of Mubarak and others.


Yes, absolutely, by all objective and impartial indications a Morsi win in Egyptian presidential elections should be a foregone conclusion. And here is at least partly why.

The Ikhwan in Egypt ran a superlative campaign. In the last 30 days, they organised close to a 1000 rallies. They mobilised support from all conceivable quarters, including traditional rivals and sceptics and popular sports personalities.

The Ikhwan’s ground game of personally contacting voters turned a highly effective new page every day. And, in a powerful innovation of Election Campaign Strategy, they organised Human Chains between cities, some stretching hundreds of miles.

In another Election Campaign innovation, they even pressed into service Election Robots to greet voters on the streets and give out flyers.

Some of the religious voices of honour and integrity spoke out again vote-buying and election fraud clearly calling these things Haram and a sin and forbidden by God.



Some honourable and respected religious leaders have proclaimed that casting an honest vote in the present elections is a sacred religious and national duty incumbent on all male and female adults.

Dr. Morsi, the Ikhwan candidate, is by far one of the most qualified, capable and honourable individuals who might have ever run for any office in any place on earth.

The Ikhwan are the largest and most organised, disciplined and motivated organisation of any kind in all of Egypt. In general, the people of Egypt know and trust the Ikhwan through their social and charitable work over the past several decades.

These are all some reasons why Morsi should win, without having to face a run-off.

Over and above all this, the Ikhwan would say God is on their side. And of course if God is on their side, then who could possibly defeat their man?


And yet, in spite of all this, could Dr. Morsi lose? The answer is yes. And here are some reasons why.

There simply are too many things working against an Ikhwan win – against Dr. Morsi winning – in the presidential elections in Egypt. Some of the most powerful governments on earth do not wish Morsi to win. And they are busily working to make sure he does not.

Some of the most ruthless, capable and experienced intelligence agencies in the world are working to bring about a Morsi defeat.

Some of the deepest and largest coffers of money – some of the most bottomless of them being Muslim and none other – are being emptied in the efforts to defeat Morsi.



Some of the most mercenary of media and propaganda hacks and flacks are working overtime to spread all kinds of lies and fabrications that will help to confuse voters, demoralise Morsi supporters and defeat Morsi.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in Egypt is doing everything in its power to delay a return to civilian rule. Some of the most influential of so-called Muslim “religious” leaders are spreading all kinds of red herrings and confusing messages about who the Egyptian people should or should not vote for and what the right thing is for them to do.



A land that has been in the grip of a most brutal anti-people and anti-democratic military rule for decades is not about to be let go by its domestic and foreign owners and masters.

Remnants of the previous corrupt regime who spent their lives committing massive election frauds and stealing elections, and who are still deeply entrenched throughout the Egyptian system and institutions, are not likely to loosen their grip on power and let go easily.

The present SCAF-appointed Egyptian government, headed by a former Mubarak Prime Minister, that is supervising the elections, is like the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse, which stacks the cards against a Morsi win.

The so-called Supreme Council of Presidential Elections that is managing and supervising the elections operates without needed transparency and is answerable to no one but itself – and SCAF.

A Morsi win in Egyptian presidential elections can change things in the so-called Middle East in ways that simply may not be to the liking of some of the most powerful political, economic, military and religious players in the world.

These are all some reasons why tables may be turned on Morsi come Election Day and a victory may be stolen from him. It has happened before, and it may happen once again.



There is all kind of writing on the wall. And it portends ill for Egyptian elections and Egyptian People. And, of course, it portends ill for our sad, benighted world.

It would seem that the ground is being systematically prepared by the mercenary media network around the world by publicising fudged and fraudulent Opinion Polls that repeatedly show General Shafiq, the former Mubarak Prime Minister, or Amr Musa, the former Mubarak-regime Foreign Minister, in the lead, and Morsi trailing far behind, which is clearly contrary to all indications on the ground in Egypt.

And this after the Great Egyptian People gave the Ikhwan a whopping 50 per cent majority in the recent elections for both houses of Egyptian Parliament.

This way, should elections be stolen from Morsi on Election Day and handed to Amr Musa or General Shafiq in that order, or to the Dark Horse “Islamist” candidate Abdul-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh, then the media mercenaries and other equally evil stakeholders vested in this diabolical game of stealing elections can glibly say: See, we told you so.

That is one clear purpose of these repeated fudged and fraudulent Opinion Polls.


And yet, in spite of all these indicators to the contrary, Morsi may win. And if he does, that will be for the same reason and in the same manner that Moses (May God Bless Him!) won against Pharaoh: the sea parting miraculously and swallowing up the forces of evil.

Should that happen, should Morsi win despite all odds and in the teeth of all fraud, it will be a tribute to the vigilance and sophistication of the Great Egyptian People, and to their determination not to let their elections be stolen from them.

In that event, everyone everywhere will deserve credit and congratulations: SCAF; the present Egyptian government of Dr. Ganzouri; the Supreme Council of Presidential Elections; all the foreign governments and intelligence agencies; all the media houses and individuals; and all others.

They all would deserve credit and congratulations, regardless of what role anyone of them may have played till now to scuttle the elections and defeat Morsi.



Such an outcome – a Morsi win that is – would truly be the beginning of a new world order for freedom, justice, peace and democracy in the world, not for a selected and privileged few, but for all.

In such a new world order, to quote Isaiah 11:6, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together.”

Such a brave and bold new world is not only a “consummation devoutly to be wished,” as Shakespeare’s Hamlet would say, it is an outcome every bit worth praying for, now that campaigning is officially at an end in Egyptian elections, ushering in a mandatory two-day period of Campaign Silence.

For, as Tennyson put it:

“The old order changeth, yielding place to new, / And God fulfils Himself in many ways, / Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.

“More things are wrought by prayer / Than this world dreams of.

“For what are men better than sheep or goats / That nourish a blind life within the brain, / If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer / Both for themselves and those who call them friend?”

Courtesy: Radiance Weekly



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