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Muslims killed in Sri Lanka mob attacks

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Sinhala Buddhist monks accused of leading attacks in coastal towns of Aluthgama and Beruwala.

Last updated: 16 Jun 2014 19:51
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At least three people have been killed and more than 80 people injured in overnight mob attacks led by Sinhala Buddhist monks in two coastal Sri Lankan towns, according to medics.

The Buddhist Force

Also known as the Bodu Bala Sena, is led by Galagoda Atthe Gnanasara, who issued threats to destroy Muslim businesses before the riots.

The group said its mission is to "save the Sinhala race", which makes up 74 percent of the population.

In 2013, the group was linked to an attack on a mosque in a Colombo suburb, where four people were injured.

The group has also launched an anti-halal campaign and protested against veils on Muslims.

Over 1,000 Sri Lankan army have been deployed on Monday in the popular resort towns of Aluthgama and Beruwala, and police extended a curfew  after Muslim properties and mosques came under attack. Violence also spread to Lathugana town.

Police said they fired tear gas and widened the curfew to Beruwala, a predominantly Muslim area, after initial violence broke out in Aluthgama, 60km south of the capital Colombo.

Both areas are popular beach resorts frequented by international tourists, but there were no reports of any foreigners caught up in the violence.

Hilmy Ahmed, the spokesman of Muslim Council of Sri Lanka, told Al Jazeera that the situation was calmer now, but there was large-scale destruction of property.

"At least nine shops and up to 40 houses have been gutted in Aluthgama, while three mosques were attacked," Ahmed said over phone from southern Sri Lanka.

The army has been brought in to control the situation, while the injured have been admitted to hospitals.

Escalating clashes

A police spokesman said trouble began on Sunday evening when members of  Bodu Bala Sena, or Buddhist Force tried to march in an area with a sizeable population of Muslims.

Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem accused his own government of failing to protect Muslims from the mob led by monks from BBBS, which has been engaged in an anti-Muslim campaign in recent years.

Hakeem urged "all relevant parties to remain calm and not to instigate further violence".

"Please let the police do their job. The attacks last night will not be tolerated and we will prosecute any and all responsible," he told Al Jazeera.

At one point elite police commandos were called upon to rescue a deputy minister, Faiser Mustapha, who was trapped inside a school along with dozens of Muslims who fled their homes fearing attacks from angry Buddhist mobs.

"Some Buddhists are deliberately targeting Muslims. But unfortunately police have not been able to protect the minorities," the Muslim Council's Ahmed earlier told Al Jazeera.

"A petty feud between two individuals has been allowed to take a religious tone. The extremist Buddhists led by BBS attacked Muslims and are still in the area despite the curfew."

President's appeal

A spokesman for Bodu Bala Sena could not immediately be reached for comment. The group said representatives would meet with reporters later on Monday to clarify its position.

Q&A with Bodu Bala Sena Spokesman

President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is currently visiting Bolivia, said he would not allow "anyone to take the law into their own hands".

"An investigation will be held for ... to bring to book those responsible for incidents in Alutgama," he said on Twitter .

"I urge all parties concerned to act with restraint."

There were no reports of arrests, as people  in the riot-hit areas said Muslims were leaving their homes and seeking shelter in community centres as fears of more violence lurked.

The latest unrest came just weeks after Muslim politicians asked Rajapaksa to protect their minority community from "Buddhist extremist elements" blamed for a recent spate of hate attacks.

Nationalist Buddhist groups have in turn accused religious minorities of wielding undue political and economic influence on the island.

Additional reporting by Saif Khalid and Dinouk Colombage

Al Jazeera and agencies


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Pillay expresses alarm at Aluthgama incident

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MONDAY, 16 JUNE 2014 21:11

UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay has called on the Government of Sri Lanka to take immediate measures to curb the inter-communal violence taking place in South Western Sri Lanka while expressing her deep alarm at the incidents.

In a statement issued by Ms. Pillay a short while ago she has stated, “The Government must urgently do everything it can to arrest this violence, curb the incitement and hate speech which is driving it and protect all religious minorities.”

She has also expressed concern over the possibility of the violence that occurred in Beruwala and Aluthgama spreading to other parts of the country, if necessary steps are not taken to contain it.

“The authorities must immediately bring the perpetrators of such attacks to book and make it clear to the religious leadership on both sides, to political parties and the general public that there is no place for inflammatory rhetoric and incitement to violence,” she has stated.

Ms. Pillay has also urged for appropriate measures to be taken by the security forces to contain the situation while ensuring the situation is not worsened through any excessive use of force. (Lakna Paranamanna)


Canada condemns

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TUESDAY, 17 JUNE 2014 09:26

The Canadian government yesterday condemned the outbreak of communal violence and called on the Sri Lankan authorities to act quickly to ensure the safety of all communities.

“Canada condemns the outbreak of communal violence against Muslims, which resulted in the loss of lives and extensive damage to property in the south of Sri Lanka on June 15, 2014. We offer our condolences to the families and friends of the deceased and wish a speedy recovery to those injured, Canada stated in a statement.

“This is one of a number of recent and troubling attacks targeting the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. It is of the utmost importance that every person is able to practise his or her faith free from the threat of violence. We urge Sri Lankan authorities to act quickly to ensure the safety of all communities. These attacks are completely unacceptable and a clear violation of the right to religious freedom.”

“Canada will continue to condemn all religiously motivated attacks. We urge calm on all sides and call for a swift and transparent investigation into what happened, as well as appropriate prosecution of those responsible,” the statement added.

Mechanism to prevent further escalation of violence

MONDAY, 16 JUNE 2014 19:18

In the aftermath of the flare up in Aluthgama and nearby areas, several Buddhist and Muslim religious leaders backed by politicians agreed to set up a mechanism to prevent further escalation of violence, officials said.

Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne, in his capacity as Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs, chaired a meeting at the Kalutara District Secretariat today. The meeting was attended by Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, Senior Minister A.H.M. Fowzie, Ministers MaitripalaSirisena, S.B. Dissanayake, Dallas Alahapperuma and Kumara Welgama, several district politicians, Police Chief N.K. Ilangakoon and other senior police officers.

Police said Sunday’s riots at Aluthgama and Dharga Town had left two people dead and 36 injured while several houses and shops were either burnt down or damaged. The injured were admitted to Nagoda General Hospital.

They said the deceased were identified as Mohamed Zahran (38) and Mohamed Shiraz (36) of Welipitiya.

A Buddhist monk, three police officers including an inspector, a sergeant and three constables, the Aluthgama Daily Mirror and Lankadeepa correspondent SarathSiriwardene were among those injured.

Minister A.H.M. Fowzie pointed out that the situation had now been brought under control and that it was the responsibility of all concerned to join hands to maintain law and order.

SLMC Parliamentarian M.S.M. Aslam and Western Provincial Councillor M.M.M. Amraz also spoke to the media. (Kelum Bandara and Sunil Thanthriarachchi)


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