Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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The latest news from the Joomla! Team

“Victims Must Be Compensated”- Minister

By Camelia Nathaniel

With the mayhem that was caused by mobs in the Aluthgama and Beruwela areas last week, various parties have expressed their displeasure regarding the indifference shown by the law enforcement authorities. Even politicians within the government have voiced their displeasure at the incident and have called for action to be taken against the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS).
Speaking to The Sunday Leader the Minister of Industry and Commerce and Member of Parliament, Minister Rishad Bathiudeen said that his party had appealed to the President to take action against the BBS and its general secretary Rev. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara thero. In an interview with The Sunday Leader the Minister said that even though he was a member of the Government, there was nothing the Government could do but ensure that the incidents of this nature should never be repeated in the country. He said that the Government has to compensate those who were affected by the incidents and those responsible had to be dealt with severely.

Following are excerpts of the interview;

Q. With the Aluthgama incident there has been numerous allegations leveled against the Government that the situation was not handled appropriately which led it to spiral out of control. How would you respond to it?
A. In this incident the Government cannot do much other than taking legal measures to bring those responsible to book. There were three deaths reported and many were injured including loss of property. However the Government can only do justice to the victims through legal measures. Moreover those who were involved in this incident must be punished severely in order to deter others from following the same path.

Q. Do you think that with this incident there is a certain degree of division within the government?
A. I don’t want to comment against any of my fellow ministers but as leaders of the Muslim community we made certain requests to the President asking that this be the last time such incidents to take place, and that the Government must ensure the safety of its entire people. The Government has to ensure that compensation is paid to all those who were affected by this incident. However no amount of compensation could bring back those who lost their lives in this incident. At least now all these extremists whoever they may be should stop all their actions and unite to ensure a peaceful Sri Lanka.

Q. In spite of the numerous provocative actions of the BBS over the past, why has the Government failed to take any action so far and what is your stand on it?
A. Well Ever since the BBS was formed they have been trying to instigate racial tensions among the various religious factions in the country. It is now time to put an end to this and we have called upon the Government to ban the BBS and take legal action against Gnanasara thero for his actions.

Q. With Ramazan approaching and fasting to commence shortly, how will the Muslims who were affected by this incident cope?
A. The President has instructed minister Gajadheera to handle the payment of compensation and we expect that it will be carried out expeditiously in time for the fasting season.

Q. With many allegations leveled against the police accusing them of being inactive during the riots, have you called for any action against the police?
A. Of course the police should be held accountable for the mayhem that was caused as they did nothing to prevent the mobs from creating such destruction.
If the police had acted on the requests that were made to them by several parties calling for the BBS protest rally to be stopped, all this destruction could have been averted. This got out of hand due to the indifference of the police and yes they have to be held accountable.


Post-Aluthgama Strategies For Regaining Inter-Community Trust And Harmony

By Dr Jehan Perera

The anti Muslim violence in Aluthgama last week has once again highlighted the vulnerability of Sri Lankan society to ethnic and religious polarisation. The attack on Muslim-owned shops and houses in the town was by people who came from outside for the most part.

They were members of the BBS that has taken up an anti-Muslim stand and engaged in other acts of violence against Muslim interests. However, previous such attacks were on individual targets, including mosques and shops. In most of those previous incidents the responses by the police and security forces was slow or ineffective with the miscreants going free, which created a climate of impunity for the attackers. The costs have been high with at least two persons being reported killed, more than 40 injured and many shops and houses destroyed or damaged. The actual casualty figures may be more.

The government failed in its duty on more than one count. The immediate failure was to permit a public rally in Aluthgama that led to the mob violence. The rally was held in the aftermath of an altercation between a small group of Muslim men and a Buddhist monk over a traffic dispute on the road. The version that appeared in the media was that three Muslim men assaulted a Buddhist monk after getting into an altercation with his driver. Another version is that it was the driver who got assaulted and not the monk. Whatever be the truth of the matter, it is totally  nacceptable that there should have been any sort of attack on shops and homes of others merely because they belonged to the same ethnic or religious community of the persons with whom a private dispute had arisen. Such acts of collective vengeance are what racism is about.

Government failures

Sri Lanka’s own history and international experience shows that inter-community relations are fragile, and there is a need for eternal vigilance, which is the price of democracy. This is where the government is failing badly. It is reported that appeals were made to the police by Muslim community leaders in Aluthgama not to give permission to the BBS hold its rally. For the past two years the BBS has been active in anti Muslim propaganda and also in violent actions. Therefore the police had grounds on which to deny permission to the holding of the rally.

There had been a history of tension in the Aluthgama area, with a Muslim-owned shop having been attacked several weeks earlier. The police have shown alacrity in denying permission to groups they suspect of being trouble makers, be they student groups or trade unions.

The deeper failure of the government has been its unwillingness to come out and affirm to the country at large that the Muslims are part and parcel of Sri Lanka’s plural society. Instead the government has been permitting the BBS to propagate the view that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country, and that the Muslims in particular are a threat to its unique identity. This incident follows a sustained hate campaign against the Muslim community in the Aluthgama area and elsewhere in the country which has not been countered by either legal or political means. It is tragic that five years after the end of an ethnic-based civil war, another dimension of communal violence is opening up to cause immense suffering to innocent people.

Three commitments

In the aftermath of the Aluthgama violence there are three commitments that the government needs to provide the Muslim community with. The first is that it will affirm the plural and multi religious nature of the Sri Lankan polity. Since the end of the war the government has been propagating a contrary message of nationalism, in which the position of the ethnic majority has taken pride of place. While this may have logic in terms of obtaining majority electoral support, it is detrimental to national unity. The second commitment that the government needs to give is to compensate all who lost their homes and businesses due to the violence. This is incumbent on the government as it contributed through its negligence to the violence. The third commitment is to improve on its performance in terms of rule of law. Since the end of the war, Sri Lanka has witnessed a gradual decline in the rule of law and an increase in levels of impunity often reportedly due to political patronage at national, provincial and local levels. This trend needs to be arrested forth with and the guilty not shielded from facing the due legal processes. The government needs to restore the rule of law and ensure that the truth behind the incident will be made public so that the perpetrators of violence and destruction will not go free to continue with their rampage elsewhere.


The danger in permitting the situation to drift is that it can lead to radicalisation. Inter community relations between Sinhalese and Muslims are currently not based on fear of each other. Undoubtedly there are misapprehensions and prejudices that members of different communities have with each other. But even though some of them might look down or in askance at the other, there is no fear of each other. This can change if the present sporadic violence engaged by organisations such as BBS are permitted to grow. Sections of the media that valorize those who have been at the forefront of attacking the other community can create role models for youth which will lead to violence in the future. If the situation deteriorates the next step in the downward spiral will be fear of the other. Sri Lanka will move in the direction of further entrenched conflict. We only recently got out of one, now we are heading towards another.

Thus far the Muslims have chosen the path of engagement as their way of conflict resolution. They have stayed within the framework of overall government policy even while asserting their rights. This is because the Muslims have decided that they are going to live side by side with the other communities in Sri Lanka and there is no desire for separation on their part. Although the SLMC presented a document to the UN Human Rights Commissioner giving details of incidents of harassment of Muslims, it continues to remain a partner of the government.

Although Minister Rishard Bathiudeen filed legal action against the BBS for marching into his ministry and defaming him, he remains committed to the government. This is evidence of both pragmatism and also the desire to solve problems within the existing framework. There is also a need on the part of the ethnic and religious minorities in Sri Lanka who are feeling themselves vulnerable to the juggernaut of Sinhala nationalism which has grown stronger due to political backing from within the government itself to study the approach to conflict resolution of the great American Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King. He stood for equal rights for the black American people, but not for separation. He couched the demands of the black people within the framework of upholding the Constitution and justice for all.

He appealed to the higher ideals of the white Americans, without threatening the whites that their country would be endangered by giving the black people their rights. Likewise in Sri Lanka there is a need to place higher ideals of reconciliation, unity and pluralism before the people and win their hearts and minds.


BBS Blamed For Irresponsible Action


By Camelia Nathaniel

With all the actions of the BBS having been taken lightly by the government in the past, it seems that this time, with the Aluthgama incident which almost led the country back into another ethnic conflict, the government has to take some severe action against them. It is rather alarming though to note that despite the deployment of the large numbers of police and STF personnel, the rioting continued unabated for several hours causing much damage to property, businesses, places of worship, and loss of life.

Furthermore it is ironic that the government of Sri Lanka totally ignores all the insults and actions levelled against them by the Ven. Gnanasara. In the Aluthgama rally last week, the Ven. Gnanasara blatantly insulted the ministers including the president referring to him as a man without brains. “If the president was a man with brains, would he appoint a Muslim as the minister of Justice,” he questioned.

His speech clearly is provocative and incites racial violence, and at a time when the country is just recovering from a war that devastated the country for 30 long years, should these extremists, be it Muslim or Sinhalese, be allowed to once again drag this country into darkness and misery?

However as for the BBS they claim that they had been invited there by the Buddhist temples and organizations in the area to address this meeting, subsequent to the alleged assaulting of a monk on his way to a sermon on Poya Day by two Muslim youths. According to the Ven. Gnanasara, the two Muslim youths had stopped the trishaw in which the monk was travelling and had abused him and even assaulted him, including the driver of the trishaw.

“The monk had then gone to the Kurunduwatta Sri Vijayarama Temple and told the chief monk what had taken place. The monks had then informed Colombo and gone to the police station to lodge a complaint regarding the assault,” he added. But the Ven. Gnanasara said that the police had been indifferent and did not take any action to arrest the perpetrators. Therefore the monks and several other Buddhist organizations in the area had informed the BBS of the situation and called for a meeting to be held in protest of the manner in which the monk was treated.

According to the BBS, the meeting was held peacefully and after the meeting, they had asked the people to remain calm and return to their homes without creating any issues. But the Ven. Gnanasara added that having dispersed the crowds, they had decided to drop the monk who was assaulted to the temple on their way to the highway to return to Colombo. “However in spite of us wanting a peaceful conclusion to the issue, when the convoy of around four vehicles were proceeding toward the temple, the two vehicles that were travelling in front were attacked with stones by persons inside the Mosque premises.

That was when the people got agitated and began attacking the Muslim shops. We wanted a peaceful settlement to the issue but we cannot remain like cowards and run when we are attacked,” retorted the Ven. Gnanasara. “But when the Sinhala mobs began attacking the Muslim shops and were running amok, the Rev. Witharandeniye Nanda Thero intervened and managed to calm the crowds and disperse them. In spite of our attempts, the police simply stood there doing nothing and I blame them for the mayhem that followed as it was their incapability and blatant indifference to the whole issue that let the whole situation went out of control,” added Gnanasara Thero.

However, according to new video footage released by Azath Salley, the BBS monks together with their supporters had in fact not proceeded peacefully as claimed by the BBS in four vehicles, but instead they had been marching in large numbers shouting slogans. The chief priest of the Mohiyadeen Jumma Mosque is seen in the video calming the Muslims within the mosque premises and preventing them from coming out onto the road where the march was taking place. Just then some youth in the procession suddenly starts attacking the mosque with stones taken out of bags they were carrying. If this is what occurred that day that led to the chaos that followed, then the BBS’s claims that they were travelling in a peaceful convoy of just four vehicles will be disproved.

The BBS had been involved in several incidents where Christian churches were attacked in the past too and is known for their intolerance of minority faiths.

However, it seems that the actions of the BBS is getting out of hand and they have in fact simply taken the law into their own hands. In fact they have openly criticized the police force for being inactive and claimed to be the unofficial police force in the country. However, in spite of the insults and accusations levelled against them, the BBS seems to continue to enjoy impunity regardless of their actions. This situation raises questions as to their position within the country and raises the question as to who is protecting them?
Sometime last year the BBS was summoned by the Defence Secretary and the then the Army Commander for a meeting that was held behind closed doors.

At this meeting the BBS was warned to stop their provocative actions that were creating tension among the majority Sinhalese Buddhists and the minority religions. It is believed that the the Ven. Gnanasara Thero was also asked to tone down his manner of speech which is viewed by many as being very aggressive and violent.

Meanwhile, due to the actions of the extremist elements, there have been several incidents taking place throughout the country that is clearly aimed at creating racial tensions and instigating violent clashes.

Last week in Horana, someone had thrown a burning tyre into a mosque and also a Sinhala shop, clearly aimed at instigating clashes between the communities. Further police had also recovered some posters also in Horana that were clearly provocating Sinhalese against the Muslims. A Buddha statue covered in a glass box had also been damaged in a stoning incident in the Kotiyakumbura area. This was clearly to provocate the Buddhists. Then a girls’ hostel in Samanthurei, where Sinhala girls were residing, was also stoned last week. Four Muslim youth were arrested on Wednesday while attempting to burn tyres on the road in the Palamunei area. Two CTB busses were also stoned in the Saindaramadu area last Wednesday as well. Petrol bombs, knives and stones were also recovered from a Buddhist temple and a Muslim shop in Dharga Town also last week. Further the Army had arrested several Sinhala youth while setting a

Sinhala shop ablaze in the Dharga Town as well to instigate clashes.
In analyzing these incidents that took place following the Aluthgama incident, it is evident that certain organized groups are attempting to create clashes between the Muslim and Sinhala communities.

Hence the actions and behavioral mannerisms of the BBS is a clear indication of inciting violence and communal clashes between the communities.

Meanwhile on Thursday, the Ampata District came to a standstill as the people observed a full scale hartal in condemnation of the violence unleashed on Muslims in the Aluthgama, Beruwala, Dhargaha Town and Welippenna areas in the South.
The hartal, observed in Kalmunai, Sammanthurai, Sainthamaruthu, Maruthamunai and Nintavur in the Ampara District was called by the Ampara District All Mosques Federation and Ampara District Jammiyathul Ulama. Normal day-to-day activities came to a standstill in these areas. Schools, banks, all government and private offices were closed and the streets were deserted.

Military does not condone such acts
Military Spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya

Military does not condone such acts and we believe that such activities should not take place in this country which is just emerging out of a conflict and these things will only pave the way for outsiders to start fingering into the internal affairs of the country. I do not know the agendas of these extremist organizations but they should understand the bigger picture and carry out their activities without providing room for the greater common enemy, which is the international pressure, that is placed upon the country, to take advantage of our vulnerability.

These activities and incidents will only provide fertile ground for external elements to exert more pressure on the government and also justify their position in the eyes of the international community. In the wider world there are a large number of countries that do not believe those lies propagated by the Diaspora led elements. But incidents of this nature could provide the fertile ground necessary for the enemies of the country to sow the seeds of suspicion in the eyes of those countries about the actual situation prevailing in Sri Lanka.

This incident that occurred in Aluthgama had in fact been amicably resolved by the parties who were there. Then from outside these other organizations had gone and provocated the people having rallies in a very provocative manner and instigated a certain level of anti Muslim sentiments in the area which led to the mayhem. However, the entire incident cannot be judged on what we see in the media and the police will have to conduct a thorough investigation and deal with those found guilty. However it is evident that all parties involved had acted irresponsibly whether be Muslim or Buddhist, without thinking of the repercussions their action would bring about.


BBS Did Not Seek Permission
Police spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana

The BBS did not seek permission to stage a rally but they only requested permission to hold a Sasanarakshaka Bala Mandala meeting, claiming that it would be held to welcome the injured monk who was being discharged from hospital that day and returning to the temple. The BBS had also attended this event but they had not sought our permission to hold any rally.

Hence we spoke to the Muslim community leaders and since they had agreed to take care of their community and prevent any clashes and raised no objections to the BBS meeting we allowed it. The Buddhist clergy too assured us that they would not provocate Muslims and it would be held peacefully, and since it was agreed upon mutual understanding between both parties, we did not prevent it.

However, during the speech by the BBS General Secretary the Ven. Gnanasara Thero, there were certain insults levelled against the government, including the President, but we were not aware of his intentions to hold such a speech and it was a sudden and spontaneous speech that we had no control over. But the CID has commenced investigations regarding that incident and the actions and speech by the Ven. Gnanasara and following completion of the investigation, measures will be taken to bring those responsible to book.


Attack on Vijitha Thero

By Binoy Suriyaarachchi

There are more questions than answers on the attack on Venerable Watareka Vijitha Thero, as he refuses to talk to the police, sources from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) told The Sunday Leader.

An inquiring team attached to the Panadura police is reported to have visited Vijitha Thero at the Colombo General hospital three times, but could not record a statement in connection with the incident.

According to police, the location where the monk resided over night prior to the incident is still unknown. “The monk says that he resided at a house located somewhere in Panadura. But he does not come up with name or address,” a CID officer said. The police investigation teams are yet to reveal whether the monk was abducted while traveling in a vehicle or abducted from the house.

Police sources added that Vijitha Thero tries to get himself discharged from the hospital and walk away. “When a medical officer or a police officer inspects his medical condition, he speaks. But when queried on the assault he remains silent. He doesn’t talk much about the incident. Sooner or later, the Thero will have to give a statement,” said the officer. According to police, Vijitha Thero has stated that a group of persons in robes has assaulted him.

BBS denies allegations

The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has come under severe criticism by the civil organisations following the attack on Vijitha Thero.
However Executive Committee Member of the BBS Dilantha Withanage speaking to The Sunday Leader said that the BBS condemns the attack on the Thero. He strongly opposed any involvement by the BBS in this incident.

“It is like commiting suicide, for us to attack Vijitha Thero. This is a conspiracy to damage our image. We believe that whoever attacked the thero wanted to take advantage of the BBS and blame us for the attack on the thero” said Withanage.
He pointed out that the clash that erupted in Aluthgama a few minutes after the BBS meeting on May 15 was a preplanned conspiracy. “The BBS calls the police to conduct an unbiased investigation in to those incidents,” Withanage added.General Secretary of the BBS venerable Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero refused to comet on the incident. The BBS was at the loggerhead with Vijitha Thero as he was a fierce critic of the BBS as the Convener of the Jathika Bala Sena (JBS). The prominent members of the BBS used the name Mohamed Vijitha when referring to the thero during media conferences. The BBS alleged that the monk has links with Islamic fundamentalists.

Vijitha Thero who is also a UPFA member to the Mahiyangana Pradeshiya Sabha was found near the Hirana Bridge in Panadura with his hands and legs tied with saffron robes. The Police suspect that the thero was abducted and later dumped at the location after being beaten.

“He is out of danger” hospital sources.
Sources from the Colombo General Hospital said that the medical condition of the Thero is stable. “He is out of danger. There were minor cut injuries in his face, shoulders, and stomach,” a medical officer said.
Apart from the preliminary medical treatments, Vijitha Thero has undergone a scan test to ascertain whether there are any internal injuries.

Vijitha Thero was initially admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Panadura Base hospital, and later transferred to the Accident Ward of the Colombo General Hospital for further treatment.


Cabinet Meeting Heated Over Aluthgama Clash

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Addressing the meeting of religious representatives, President Rajapaksa said there would be a comprehensive inquiry into the incident and the perpetrators would certainly be punished

When President Mahinda Rajapaksa stepped into the Regional Secretariat of Beruwala, fresh from his visit to Bolivia, even the President’s Media Unit did not know that the President had decided to visit the areas that were affected by violent clashes between Sinhalese and Muslim groups. It was just a two days after the President received a peace and democracy award from Bolivia – a highest award a person can receive from the Bolivian state – for his contribution to the peace and democratic values.

Rishad Bathiudeen, Champika Ranawaka, Palitha Thevarapperuma and Ranil Wcikremesinghe

The President was visibly shaken after seeing burnt down houses and properties in the Beruwala town – an area that is predominantly Muslim for so many decades. As he got off the vehicle near the Regional Secretariat in Beruwala, many people who were gathered at the premises surrounded him. The President was accompanied by several cabinet ministers including Mervyn Silva and Rohitha Abeygunawardena.

It was clear that the officers of the Presidential Security Division did not want journalists to photograph the President’s arrival at the Beruwala District Secretariat. The President was further annoyed by the high-handed behaviour of his own security officers. In the presence of journalists, he lashed out at his own security officers, ordering them to allow journalists to capture his photographs.
“We should not allow anyone to harm lives and properties of other people,” the President said while entering the Regional Secretariat building of Beruwala. He immediately convened a discussion with Muslim and Buddhist religious representatives in the area to get firsthand information on the issues on the ground.

Addressing the meeting of religious representatives, President Rajapaksa said there would be a comprehensive inquiry into the incident and the perpetrators would certainly be punished. He immediately instructed the Police Department to take necessary action and apprehend those who were involved in violent activities. Responding to President Rajapaksa’s remarks, religious leaders who were present at the meeting said they wanted to live in peace and harmony, and urged the President to help them in achieving that.
The heat of the clashes made its way into the weekly Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, where several ministers raised their voice on this matter leading to heated arguments during the cabinet meeting which was presided over by the President.

Minister Rishad Bathiudeen, addressing the cabinet meeting, had pointed his finger at the President for not taking action against the Bodu Bala Sena and other extremist Sinhala-Buddhist organisations who, according to the Minister, incited violence in Beruwala, Aluthgama and Dharga Town. He had said the government should take the full responsibility for what happened on Sunday and Monday.

Bathiudeen’s accusation had annoyed the President and the latter had asked in a stern tone whether Bathiudeen was not a minister of the same government.

It was at this point that Bathiudeen had said, as Ministers, they did not have any say in the affairs of the government.
Following this remark, the President had lashed out at Bathiudeen reminding him of his past conduct. “You think only about your community. What will happen if the other ministers too start talking about their communities?” the President had asked. When the Minister attempted to respond, the President ordered him to “shut up”!

JHU Stalwart Minister Champika Ranawaka too had blamed Bathiudeen saying he was only favouring his community. Bathiudeen too countered Ranawaka’s allegation saying the government belonged to every ethnicity in the country and not only to the Sinhalese. He also said that Aluthgama incident would go down in the history as the darkest incident after the ‘Black July’ in 1983.
When this argument showed no sign of cessation, some senior Cabinet members intervened and urged the ministers to calm down and find a lasting solution to this problem. However, the cabinet meeting this week, which was characterized with heated verbal battles, was nowhere near finding a solution to the problem between hardcore Sinhala groups and the Muslim community.

UNP delegation turned back in Beruwala

The United National Party too strongly reacted to the problem by sending a high profile delegation to Beruwala and Aluthgama on Monday, a day after the clashes broke out. The UNP group was headed by its Leadership Council Chairman Karu Jayasuriya and several other Parliamentarians of the party namely UNP Chairman Kabir Hashim, Tissa Attanayake, Ruwan Wijewardene, Eran Wickremeratne, Harin Fernando and Dr Harsha de Silva with WPC members Ifthikar Jameel, Lakshman Wijemanna, Mujibur Rahman and Fairoze Haji joined him in the tour.

The UNP Group faced an unexpected experience in Beruwala merely on the grounds that there were a few Muslims in the group. Angry mobs stopped the UNP MPs and forced them to turn back as they did not want Muslim representatives to enter Beruwala!
Dr Harsha de Silva, a member of the group, quickly posted a status update on his Facebook soon after they were turned back by angry mobs who happened to be “anti-UNP”!!

Harsha de Silva Facebook update said thus,

“Sad to say, the situation in Beruwela does not seem anything near ‘normal’ as told to us by the Government Ministry of Law and Order. The tension is very high. In fact we came face-to-face with an unruly-drunk-abusive mob in a ‘Sinhala area’ who threatened physical harm to the Muslim elected representatives in our group if not immediately sent back, presumably to a ‘Muslim area’. It was a strange and eerie feeling…

They told us that an angry Muslim mob had attacked them last night; and they were angry. We spoke to a person whose house had been attacked and damaged; but he was not violent, in fact he was attempting to bring back peace. Anyway, with the help of our MSD and the STF stationed nearby we were able to get them out of danger and we also had to turn back on the advice of our security personnel,”

“But before the ugly incident we visited a ‘temporary refugee centre’, a school that we were told housed over a thousand Muslim women and children whose homes had either been damaged or they feared to be in their normal places of residence. We were told of more than the three deaths reported by the media. Thereafter we paid respects to the main Buddhist priest of the area, the Chief Prelate of the ‘Kandey Vihare’ temple and most respectfully requested him to intervene to keep the peace by advising the villagers. We felt the tension and it was certainly very high. The STF and heavily armed military personnel were visible pretty much everywhere. I sincerely hope the authorities bring the situation under control because a lapse would result in unspeakable mayhem,”

Palitha Thevarapperuma’s
reunion with Ranil

Palitha Thevarapperuma was another UNP Parliamentarian who did a remarkable job during the mayhem, helping the Muslims who were affected by clashes that erupted in Beruwala. While others were observing what was happening on the ground, Thevarapperuma, who is known as a controversial politician, displayed his courage by taking injured Muslims to hospital and protesting them from goons.

Palitha Thevarapperuma too came under attack from Sinhala mobs while transporting injured Muslims in a vehicle belonging to one of his supporters. They damaged the vehicle and assaulted the UNP MP mercilessly as if he had committed a crime by transporting those who were injured in the clash.

Although the MP did not receive serious injuries due to the attack, his vehicle was severely damaged.
While attacking them, the hooligans had said the MP had to be punished for betraying the “race”.

Two days after the attack, Thevarapperuma was present in Parliament with a plaster covering his left eye. Opposition Leader Ranil Wcikremesinghe, who was shocked to see the injured UNP Parliamentarian, went near him and held his hand with affection. It was just a few months ago that media reports said Palitha Thevarapperuma attempted to assault UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe at the Parliamentary group meeting of the party, for not granting nomination to his son to contest the Western Provincial Council election.

However, the Opposition Leader clearly showed in Parliament on Wednesday that he held no grudge against Thevarapperuma.
Wickremesinghe requested Thevarapperuma to make a statement in Parliament the following day as to what exactly happened during the clash. Upon the opposition leader’s request, Thevarapperum raised a privilege issue in Parliament explaining the horrific experience he underwent on Monday.

“I used a vehicle that belongs to a person from that area and I visited Welipitiya. I took a number of people from the area with me; 16 people boarded the van in total. There were five infants among them, as well as two expectant mothers and two elderly women. After traveling for sometime, the Police Mobile Patrol noticed the vehicle I was traveling in and moved aside. At that moment, a violent group attacked those who were inside the vehicle in an inhumane manner.

The vehicle was badly damaged. I did not stop the vehicle, Honourable Speaker. There was a small hole visible in the front of the vehicle — I could only see the road in-front of me through that small hole. Honourable Speaker, the age of one of the children was only nine months. The child was injured the back and was rushed to the ICU in Colombo,” Thevarapperuma said.

Controversy surrounding
BBS Founding Leader

Although the Bodu Bala Sena seems to be in a very powerful position, media reports of a possible internecine crisis have sent shockwaves across its rank and file. This came with the reports that its founding Leader Kirama Wimalajothi Thero has distanced himself from the activities of the BBS due to present state of affairs in the organisation.

Kirama Winalajothi Thero, along with Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero, formed the organisation, mainly to counter the threats to Buddhism coming from within and outside the Bikkhu community. At the inception of the BBS Wimalajothi Thero was unanimously appointed as the leader of the organisation while Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thero was appointed as the General Secretary. At the outset, the BBS fought against elements of the Buddhist community who allegedly distorted the ‘Dhamma’. After some time, things took a violent turn when the BBS started a campaign against ‘Halal’ and resorted to hate speech against the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama and the Muslim community of the country.

However, with the passage of time, Bodu Bala Sena’s ire was directed at ethnic and religious minorities of the country and the ‘Muslims’ at large became a prime target of the organisation.

After the story of Wimalajothi Thero’s stepping down broke out, many journalists contacted Wimalajothi Thero and asked him about the veracity of the story. Although he said that he had not “resigned” from the organisation, the Thero admitted that he had distanced himself from the activities of the BBS. Speaking to Derana TV, he expressed displeasure over the protest rally the BBS organised in Aluthgama and criticized the conduct of some of its monks.

Speaking to media, Wimalajothi Thero said he was not involved in the activities of the Bodu Bala Sena for more than six months due to other commitments. With Wimalajothi Theroa openly expressing displeasure over what happened in Beruwala,Aluthgama and Dharga Town, it is now clear that there is a serious difference of opinion in the organisation over its conduct and approach.
Wimalajothi Thero, who is a senior and erudite monk, has written many books and essays about Buddhist tradition and philosophy. It was because of him that many Buddhist monks were attracted to the BBS at the initial stages. Although he is known as a staunch Sinhala-Buddhist nationalist, he is someone who would never justify violence against ethnic and religious minorities. He wanted the BBS to go in the direction of protecting rights of the Sinhala-Buddhist community by fighting the ‘good fight’.
However, speaking to media, CEO of Bodu Bala Sena organisation Dilantha Withanage said its Founding Leader Wimalajothi Thero had not resigned from the organisation. Commenting on the media reports he said there were many parties who wanted to create divisions in his organisation. However, just a day after this clarification, Wimalajothi Thero himself admitted that he was no longer involved in the BBS activities.



BBS Actions Contrary To Buddhist Teachings Ven. Kirama Wimalajothi

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With the Aluthgama incident the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has come under severe criticism from numerous quarters regarding the behaviour of General Secretary of Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) Galaboda Aththe GnanasaraThero.
In an interview with The Sunday Leader the leader of the BBS the Venerable Kirama Wimalajothi Thero said that he did not condone the actions of the Ven. Gnanasara Thero and said that by what they had done brought disrepute to Buddhism.
He said that Ven. Gnanasara Thero’s actions were contrary to Buddhist teachings and he had warned the BBS to refrain from such impulsive behaviour in the future.
Here are excerpts of the interview:

By Camelia Nathaniel

Q: Is it true that you have resigned from the BBS?
A: No there is no truth to that and it is just a rumor. Since around six months back I had stayed away from actively getting involved in BBS matters due to the commitment I have regarding my writing and other academic matters, which got neglected due to my involvement with the BBS work.

Q. There are large scale allegations that the manner in which the BBS acted was unbecoming of the organization. What is your view?
A. On the last Poya day a monk who was on his way to attend a sermon was attacked by two Muslim youth and that is true. That sort of behavior cannot be condoned in any manner. Apparently when those who were attacked went to the police station to lodge a complaint, the police had not taken any action and thereafter certain groups had surrounded the police station.

Meanwhile, after the attack, a meeting was called not by the BBS but certain Buddhist organizations in the area where the BBS monk the Ven. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero was invited to address the meeting. That is why he went there. However, I don’t think that it was a good idea to call such a meeting at a time when there was tension in the area.

Taking a closer look at the whole sequence of events I see this incident as a conspiracy against the government, and the Buddhist clergy. However, the mobs that went on a rampage later on were not residents of these areas but they were persons who had come from outside. Hence it is very clear that it was a planned and well orchestrated attack to discredit the government.

Q: Due to this incident there are certain extremist elements who are trying to further ignite the racial tensions throughout the country. Do you feel that what the BBS did was to play right into the hands of these extremists and it only aggravated the situation?
A: Yes certainly. We have suffered for 30 long years with the war and after all that, now at a time when we are trying to establish peace in the country, it is clear that there are other sinister forces who are trying to drag the country into turmoil once again.

These sorts of incidents will also tarnish the image of the entire clergy as a whole. I therefore urge all our people to remain calm and not be provoked by these extremist elements. I also ask the government to conduct proper investigations in order to bring to book those who are behind this incident irrespective of who they are.

Q: Is it true that the BBS gets funding from Norway and other western countries?
A: No. The allegation that the BBS got funding from Norway or any other country is a totally false allegation. As far as I know the BBS never received even a cent from any western country. I worked for the BBS using my own funds. We never received any funding from anyone not even the government.

Q: The actions of the BBS have been instrumental in bringing disrepute to the country and the Buddhist community as a whole. Don’t you feel that the BBS has played right into the hands of these extremist elements in the way they acted in this recent incident?
A: Yes certainly. I cannot condone or approve the actions of the BBS in this incident and it only served to provoke a much grave situation. It was wrong for the BBS to go there after that incident and hold a rally in that area as it was clear that it would only add fuel to the situation.

We must also understand that it is not the peace loving general Muslim community, but there are other extremist Muslim elements in this country as well.

Not only them but there are extremist Christian elements as well. These extremist elements have been trying for a long time to destabilize the peace in this country. By their actions the BBS simply played into the hands of extremist elements. Therefore, all these actions must stop now.

I have warned the members of the BBS to refrain from engaging in such irresponsible acts in the future and they have agreed to take my advice.

Q: Buddhism teaches a very peaceful doctrine with no violence. But by the manner in which the Ven. Gnanasara Thero talks and behaves, does it not bring disrepute to Buddhism as a whole and is totally against the Buddhist teachings of non violence?
A: Yes certainly. By the manner in which he speaks and acts, it creates a certain sense of displeasure among the people.
Hence I too am of the view that he should behave in a more appropriate manner better suited for a monk, and not instigate tensions among races by his emotional outbursts. His behavior and speech is not suitable for a Buddhist monk. Buddhism is all about non violence and spreading of peace and kindness.

Hence this sort of behavior will only bring disrepute to Buddhism.


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