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Book Launch By Ash Sheikh A.W.M. Rimsi (Naleemi)

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Assalamu Alaikum
As-Sheikh A.W.M. Rimsi, Graduate of Jamiah Naleemiah, Senior Sectional Head at Amal International School and Coordinator - Da'wah Programs at the Centre for Islamic Studies, Colombo , has written a timely book refuting some allegations directed towards the Muslims by Sinhalese extremists. The Book is in the Sinhala Language.
The Book Launching ceremony will be held on Wednesday 22nd January, 2014, 06:30 pm at the Postal Headquarters Auditorium, Colombo 10.
Inline image 1

Brief   introduction to the book titled


By Ash:A.W.M.Rimsi


Sri-Lankan Muslims are a peaceful community like any other community in the island. They expected a cordial co-existence and prosperous life style after the end of 30 years of bitter war.

But it is unfortunate and frustrating that Muslims are depicted as worse enemies of the nation. That is why I wanted to write this book to clarify the real situation to the public.

There is a sense of a truth in the argument that the Sinhala nation is facing the threat of extinction. Some extremist elements strongly argue that the minorities such as Muslims and Tamils are the reasons behind this.

This book categorically denies these allegations according to the Buddhist guide lines and pinpoints the real reasons for it and explains the solution to encounter theses challenges successfully while safeguarding national unity, integrity and    co-existence.

“Thank you “


Family Life - Part 1] Tips on Building a Productive Muslim Household

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Become an active member of the ProductiveMuslim community and enrich it with your thoughts. Leave a comment on this article and with it, your presence. We look forward to reading your comments.

This is the first of a series of 3 articles providing you with successful tips on how to make your family life and home more productive. This series will explain 21 ways to help your household become happier, more peaceful and thus, more productive. We will begin with the first 7 tips that will contribute to a productive household, In sha Allah.

What is one of the greatest accomplishments one can achieve that produces a benefit for the individual, his family and the community at large? It is the realization of a happy, peaceful, and productive household.

Although having a productive household is one of the most fulfilling and beneficial aspects of this life, it is often neglected as a goal to aspire towards. One is indeed remiss in failing to make a happy and content household a primary goal. It is well known that strong productive families are the foundation of healthy civilizations. Sound families are also what help make individuals within families healthy mentally and emotionally. It is quite apparent that a productive household is one of the primary goals one should wish to attain. It should also be an ambition towards which one directs his or her children as they mature.

What are some of the ways in which you can achieve a happy productive household? Here are 7 ways you can start today!

1. Put Allah First in Your Life: If you do not have a good relationship with Allah , you will not have a healthy relationship with your family members. Allah  tells us how to behave with one another. The Prophet  tells and shows us how to behave with one another. If we do not fear Allah  and have the hope for His reward, we will have little motivation to do some of the prescribed recommendations from Qur’an and Sunnah, which contribute to a more enjoyable household. This is particularly the case when the requirements or suggestions do not suit our personal goals or interests.


Virtues of Wudu

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Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates: 'I heard my loving friend, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying: The jewelery of a Mu'min (on the Day of Resurrection) will cover to the places where the water of ablution reaches.' (Muslim)

Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying: 'My Ummah will be called on the Day of Resurrection with their limbs and faces shining from traces of Wudu. So whoever amongst you can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e. by performing Wudu regularly)'. (Bukhari)

‘Uthmãn ibne-’Affãn Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: 'Anyone who performs Wudu, and performs Wudu excellently (meaning thereby to carefully observe all the etiquettes), his sins will come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.' (Muslim)

Note: The opinion of the majority of the scholars is that minor sins, are forgiven by Allah Ta'ala through Wudu, Salat and other forms of worship. The major sins, are forgiven by Istighfâr (seeking forgiveness) and Taubah (turning towards Allah with repentance). However, Allah Ta'ala by his bountiful Grace, may even forgive the major sins by virtue of above deeds. (Nawawi)


Virtues of Salaah

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Abu Hurayra Radiyallahu ‘anhu said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'What do you think would happen if there was a river by someone's door in which he washed five times every day? Do you think that any dirt would remain on him?' They said, 'Not a scrap of dirt would remain on him.' He said, 'That is a metaphor of the five prayers by which Allah wipes out wrong actions.'"

Jäbir ibne-’Abdullah Radiyallahu ‘anhuma narrates that Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: 'The key to Paradise is Salat and the key to Salat is Wuzu'. (Musnad Ahmad)

Anas Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: 'The comfort and delight of my eyes has been placed in Salat.' (Nasai).

Hanzalah Al Usaidi Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: 'The person who guards the five times Salat, its Wuzu, its prescribed time, its proper Ruku’ and Sujüd, while perceiving it to be the Right of Allah on him, he is forbidden upon Fire.' (Musnad Ahmad)


Burma mobs 'kill 30 Rohingyas'

User Rating: / 9


23 January 2014 Last updated at 15:09 GMT

More than 30 Rohingya Muslims were killed in attacks by Buddhists last week in Burma's Rakhine state, the BBC has been told.

Foreign officials who had managed to access the area in the far west of the country told the BBC they had found evidence of a mass killing.

Human rights group Fortify Rights claims a series of attacks took place over five days last week.

The government and local officials have strongly denied claims of a massacre.


Revenge attacks

The latest development follows reports of clashes between Rohingyas and the police in the Maungdaw township over the past month.

It is thought tensions initially arose amid reports that several Rohingyas had been killed trying to flee over the border into Bangladesh.

Things escalated after a local policeman was reported missing, presumed killed.


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