Sunday, February 09, 2025
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Rulings for Fasting the Day of ‘Aashooraa (10th Muharram)

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1 – On the authority of Ash‘ath ibn Qays[1], may Allah be pleased with him, he saw ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood[2] eating on the day of ‘Aashooraa, so he (Ash’ath) said to him, “Oh Abu ‘Abdur-Rahman, indeed today is ‘Aashooraa.” So he (‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood) said, “This day (‘Aashooraa) people used to fast[3], and that was before the legislation of Ramadhaan.  However, once fasting the month of Ramadhaan became obligatory; fasting the day of Aashooraa was abandoned[4].  So, if you were eating (i.e. not fasting), continue to eat.”[Muslim#1127]

2 – On the authority of ‘Aaishah[5], may Allah be pleased with her, “The Quraysh (polytheist) would fast the day of ‘Aashooraa before Islam.  The Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace be upon him, would also fast ‘Aashooraa.  Once he, prayers and peace be upon him, arrived in al-Madeenah, he, prayers and peace be upon him, fasted ‘Aashooraa and commanded his companions to do the same.  However, once Ramadhaan became obligatory he, prayers and peace be upon him, said, ‘Whoever wants to fast (‘Aashooraa) then fast, and whoever doesn’t (want to fast ‘Aashooraa) then leave it off.’” [Muslim # 1125]

3 – On the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas[6] , may Allah be pleased with him, “The Messenger of Allah,  prayers and peace be upon him, would fast on ‘Aashooraa, so the Companions said, ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, indeed ‘Aashooraa is a day the Jews and the Christians revere.’  So he, may prayers and peace be upon him, said, ‘Then next year we’ll fast the day before (9th of Muharram) if Allah wills’.  However, the following year, the Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace be upon him, passed away.” [Muslim #1134]

4 – On the authority of Abu Qataadah[7], may Allah be pleased with him, “The Messenger of Allah, may prayers and peace be upon him, was asked about fasting on the Day of ‘Aashooraa. So he, prayers and peace be upon him said, ‘it expiates (the sins from) the previous year’” [Muslim #1162]

5 – On the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, “The Messenger of Allah, may prayers and peace be upon him said, ‘Fast ‘Aashooraa and be different from the Jews in doing so.  Fast a day before (‘Aashooraa) or a day after (‘Aashooraa), and in another narration ‘Fast the day before (‘Aashooraa) and the day after (‘Aashooraa).’” [Al-Bayhaqi][8] Scholars differ on the authenticity (see footnotes)


Points of Benefit from these Narrations:[9]


Golden Key to Successful Homework Completion

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Golden Key to Successful Homework Completion

A Golden Key to Successful Homework Completion | Productive Muslim

Photo by WoodleyWonderWorks: com/photos/wwworks/

“Did you do your homework?” Sound familiar? Well, it is that time of year again – school books, pencils, homework, and report cards… school is back in. If you think one of the most challenging aspects of the school year is getting your kids to do their homework timely and regularly, you are not alone. But do not fret… there is hope! Here are several things you can do to make homework time less stressful and more enjoyable this year, In sha Allah.

Initial Checks

The first thing you want to do is rule out if your child has a learning disability. Some kids do not want to do their homework because they have special learning challenges. These children may need additional instruction or one-on-one help. Your child’s teacher should be able to help you determine if your child has a learning disability.


If a learning disability is not causing your child’s lackluster homework performance, try offering him something that will be an incentive to do his homework. Using an Incentive Chart is one of the best ways to motivate your child to do something he has little desire doing.

Of course, incentive charts and rewarding children for proper behaviour have become a controversial issue as of recent. Some are of the opinion that rewarding your child for good behaviour can send the wrong message. They feel that children should behave properly simply because this is the suitable thing to do. They also contend that it can make a child dependent upon being rewarded whenever they are encouraged to behave properly. There is validity in all of these points. However, throughout the Qur’an Allah (glorified and exalted be He) reminds us often of the reward we will receive for being righteous and obeying His laws.

“But those who heed their Lord will have Gardens through which rivers flow, to live in forever as a welcome from Allah. What is with Allah is better for those who are truly good.” [Qur’an: Chapter 3, Verse 198]

“But whoever comes to Him as a believer having done righteous deeds – for those will be the highest degrees [in position]:” [Qur’an: Chapter 20, Verse 75]

Adults with their full mental faculties receive encouragement from Allah (glorified and exalted be He) to obey His rulings. Children, who are of less sound mind, can benefit from incentives, as well.


ACJU Press Release

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ஊடக அறிக்கை

கடந்த வாரம் உலக முஸ்லிம்கள் ஈதுல் பித்ர் பெருநாளைக் கொண்டாடினர். அவ்வாறே நம்நாட்டு முஸ்லிம்களும் கொண்டாடினர். ஷவ்வால் பிறை சம்பந்தமாக எழுந்த தெளிவற்ற நிலைமை காரணமாக சிலர் 29 ஆம் நோன்போடு ரமழானை முடித்துக்கொண்ட அதேவேளை நாட்டு மக்கள் முப்பதாக ரமழானை நிறைவுசெய்தனர்.


இதனைக் காரணமாக வைத்துக்கொண்டு சிலர் தமது சுயவிருப்பங்களை வெளிப்படுத்துவதைப் பார்த்து முஸ்லிம் சமூகம் வெட்கிக் குனிய வேண்டியிருக்கிறது. முஸ்லிம்களின் சன்மார்க்க விடயங்களில் வழிகாட்டும் ஒரு ஸ்தாபனமான உலமா சபையை உரிய பின்னணிகளை புரியாத ஒருசிலர் அச்சபை கலைக்கப்பட வேண்டும், தலைமை மாற்றப்பட வேண்டும் என்றெல்லாம் கோரிக்கை விடுப்பதும் நோட்டிஸ் அடிப்பதும் வெப்தளங்களில் எழுதுவதுமானது மேலான முஸ்லிம் சமூகத்திற்கு இழுக்கையே கொண்டுவரும் என்பதையிட்டு அவர்கள் கவனம் செலுத்தாதது ஆச்சரியமே.


Benefits From al-Istikharah Prayer

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By Abbas Abu Yahya

Jabir bin Abdullaah –RadhiAllaahu anhu- said the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam-used to teach us al-Istikharah (a prayer said for seeking blessings in carrying out a decision) for all matters, just like he used to teach us a chapter from the Qur’aan, he would say: If any of you intends to undertake a matter then he should pray twoRakah other than an obligatory prayer then he should say


Muslim Consultative Committee Established

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Muslim Consultative Committee Established

A forum represented by several Muslim organizations and individuals, which will be an apolitical body, has been established as the Muslim Consultative Committee, states a release from the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka(MCSL).

The release adds: The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) convened a meeting of Muslim civil society members, religious leaders, businesspersons, academics and professionals with the objective of building consensus within the Muslim community and establishing a Muslim Consultative Committee. This Committee comprising of over 75 prominent members of the Muslim society will address short, medium and long-term interests of the community in Sri Lanka, particularly recognizing the need for a response to contemporary challenges faced by Sri Lankan Muslims, while promoting peaceful coexistence in the country.

MCSL president N.M. Ameen at the inaugural meeting of the Muslim Consultative Meeting, emphasized that while recognizing the need to meet challenges faced by Muslims in Sri Lanka the importance of interacting with all ethnic communities in the country to promote the Sri Lankan identity, while respecting diversity in multi - cultural Sri Lanka.

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka is an umbrella organization comprising over fifty independent network organizations. It has been in the forefront in addressing issues of the Muslim community through advocacy and lobbying with the government, political and religious leaders to find amicable and sustainable solutions to challenges faced by the community, while promoting understanding and strengthening ties with all Sri Lankans.



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