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The latest news from the Joomla! Team

Back to School

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Schools are about to open and you're probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that holidays are just about over. Back to School comes with a barrage of projects, homework, sports practice and of course a day filled with pickups and drop offs.

“The roots of education may be bitter, but the fruit is sweet”

Back to school time also means adjustments for children and families; the first day of grade one, new schools, new classrooms, new teachers and for adults sometimes new jobs.

Change is sometimes exciting and sometimes frightening, but this can also be an opportunity to set new goals. It's is a new year, 1435 of the Hijri Calendar and each year goes so fast like a quick turn of a page. This is why planning and setting goals is so important. As Muslims all our plans should be aimed at achieving our final goal which is to please our Creator Allah Ta'ala.


PRESS RELEASE - ACJU Stops To Issue Halaal Certificates, Separate Company to Take Over Operations

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January O6th, 2014. Colombo.

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) announces that their Division for Halaal Certification will stop to issue certificates effective 31't December 2013 while a separate company limited by guarantee founded by reputed, respected professionals in Sri Lanka will be managing compliance audits and certification.

This development comes as a result of the Expressions of Interest called from the public to facilitate the national need for contributing towards social cohesion and Sri Lanka's economic development.

The role of ACJU in the future with regard to Halaal compliance audits and certifications would be, in providing consultations on any technicalities of the concept of Halaal compliance, as a social obligation and responsibility towards the Sri Lankan society while facilitating global requirements.


Keeping the Right Friends

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'Who we keep company with is reflective of who we are'

For as far back as I can remember, my parents would always admonish me and my siblings to keep good company. My Dad specially had a favorite saying, "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."

Needless to say, I was always very conscious, and careful about choosing the right people to surround myself with. In Islam it is doubly true and essential to surround yourself with righteous companions, because they will help to keep your feet planted on the straight path, while doing otherwise may lead you astray.

It was Ahmad ibn Harb, rahimahullaah, who said, "There is nothing more beneficial to a Muslim's heart than to mix with the righteous and to watch their actions, while nothing is more harmful to the heart of the Muslim than mixing with sinners, and watching their actions." No matter who you are, or how strong or independent you may feel, no man, or woman, is an island, and you can't make it through this life alone. This is why Islam so stresses the Jama'ah, or the congregation. The sayings that there is strength in numbers and that it is the lone sheep that gets devoured by the wolf are true.

Therefore we need to adopt correct manners, in that we try ardently never to do an action or to befriend anyone without knowing whether the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala is in it or not, and never loving and hating for worldly reasons. For the Prophet of Allah Ta'ala, sallallahu alayhi wassalaam said, "Whoever loves for Allah, and hates for Allah, gives for Allah and withholds for Allah, has completed his faith." (Abu Dawud) So who should be our companions?

First of all they should be good Muslims, who believe in Allah and His Messenger. For Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an, "And who so obeys Allah and the Messenger [Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wassalaam], then they will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun (those followers of the prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them), the Martyrs, and the Righteous. And how excellent these companions are." [4:69]


අඹතැන්න මුල්ලේගම වෙලේකඩේ - මුස්ලිම් දේවස්ථානයට ගල්මුල්වලින් පහර

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අඹතැන්න මුල්ලේගම වෙලේකඩේ පිහිටි මස්ජිදුල් ෆලා මුස්ලිම් දේවස්ථානයට පසුගියදා ගල්මුල්වලින් පහර දීමේ සිද්ධිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් සැකපිට තරුණයෝ පස් දෙනෙක් කටුගස්තොට පොලිසිය විසින් අත්අඩංගුවට ගනු ලැබූහ.


Importance of Hospitality

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Allah, The Most Exalted, says:

“…they prefer others above themselves even though poverty becomes their lot…” (Qur’an -Al-Hashr 59: 9)


The Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him) is reported to have said:

“He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honour his guest according to his rights. He was asked: What are his rights ? The Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him) answered: A day and night of generous treatment and hospitality of three days. That which you may offer beyond this will be regarded as charity.”  (Hadith-Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: Entertaining a guest is an important feature of Islam which signifies the respect and concern of a host towards his guest. It is obligatory upon every Muslim to welcome his guest whether rich or poor with a cheerful countenance and without least expression of unpleasantness. Being hospitable to neighbours and guests can increase societal ties as well as unite an entire community. Most importantly, Allah Ta’ala commands Muslims to be hospitable to neighbours and guests. There is a great virtue in doing so.


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